Xbox 360 and Kinect local pricing revealed

By Tom Manners 21 July 2010

Microsoft South Africa officially announces details behind its refurbished Xbox 360 and its Kinect motion control hardware. FULL STORY >


Xbox 360 slim console in South Africa

By Tom Manners 19 July 2010

Local Xbox 360 fans can now import Microsofts updated console, at a price FULL STORY >


Microsoft slashes Xbox 360 prices

By Tom Manners 18 June 2010

Microsoft cuts prices on selected models in lieu of new console release FULL STORY >


Microsofts updated Xbox 360 the details

By Tom Manners 15 June 2010

What has Microsoft chosen to differently this time around FULL STORY >


Xbox 360 Slim confirmed

By Tom Manners 14 June 2010

Images of Microsoft's Xbox 360 Slim leaked online over the weekend, console to feature bigger hard drive and new cooling system FULL STORY >

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